Visit of His Grace Bishop Gabriel on Sunday 8/7/22

Sunday August 7, 2022.God willing the Divine Liturgy will begin at 8 AM (all deacons must arrive by 8 AM) and God willing sayedna will be ordaining deacons Epsaltos (Chanter) and Anaghnostis (Reader). 

Please contact Abouna as soon as possible if you would like to be ordained or have your son ordained as a deacon.

For the Epsaltos, they must be at least 8 years old (with the exception of at least being 6 years of age but must be accompanied by his father who will serve and chaperone his son during the service).

The deadline for registering for the ordination will be Monday, 8/1/22 (all deacon applications must be sent out and approved prior to ordination – there will be no exceptions).

If you miss the deadline, you will have to wait until the next a bishop is visiting St. Anthony.

Sayedna will also be joining us in passing out the gifts for all the graduates after the Divine Liturgy.

Letter to be sent objecting the new curriculum

Many school districts are uncertain about the new curriculum and many school leaders are trying to accommodate students with different backgrounds.  One of the fathers has also spoken with senator Zwicker recently and he mentioned that parents have the rights to opt out their kids of any lessons … It is suggested that the parents sign a request delivered by the hands of the child or electronically to every teacher this week (since it is last week and many schools will be preparing for next year).  We can also repeat the same process next year as well ..  below is a draft of the proposed message to be signed by the parents. 
As mentioned yesterday, attached is the letter that each parent should print and sign for each child and send to the teachers. This should be done immediately, if the child is still in school and should be done again at the beginning of the new school year 2022-2023.
May God watch over and protect His children.
Please share with others.

Divine Liturgy moved from Wednesday to Thursday (8 am -11am)

n the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
Please be aware that God willing the Divine Liturgy is changed from Wednesday 6/15/22 to Thursday 6/16/22 (8 am -11am). There will be no Divine Liturgy on Wednesday 6/15/22.
Please share this with others.

Vespers for the Feast of Ascension tonight at 7 pm

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
Ekristos Anesti – Alithos AnestiChrist is Risen – Truly He is Risen
Join us this evening for the Vespers of the Feast of Ascension at 7 PM.
Please share with others.
Be safe in the Lord.

Holy Week Readings

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
For those that would like to take the blessing of reading any of the Scriptures during the Holy Week services, please fill out your availability in the Google Survey at Holy Week Availability Survey
In order to schedule the readings in time, please submit the form as soon as possible (no later than Lazarus Saturday).
Requirements to Participate:

  1. Able to confidently read in either English or Arabic
  2. Able to use Coptic Reader from a device (phone, tablet, or iPad)

Divine Liturgy for this Wednesday 4/6/2022 has been canceled

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
Thank God and by all of your prayers, I am feeling much better but not yet able to pray tomorrow. The Divine Liturgy for Wednesday 4/6/2022 has been canceled.
Thank you all for your care in praying and asking about me. Please continue to pray for me.  May God bless and reward your beautiful hearts. 
God willing Alhan class service will resume this Friday at 7 and 7:30 pm and Saturday and Sunday Divine Liturgy will be held as scheduled at 8 am.
I am really looking forward to seeing you all again.  Please continue to pray for my weakness.
Please be aware that the Divine Liturgy for this Wednesday 4/6/2022 has been canceled.
Please share this information with others.
Be safe in the Lord.

It has been a long road for us, but March Goodness is here!

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all. 
It truly has been a long road and we have all been through some real difficult ups and downs during the last two years.  COVID has been a plague that took many of our loved ones and a lot of our freedom and for some it also took the ability to provide for our families and our jobs. It has made us afraid to connect with one another and to be around other family members and friends. There is no doubt that each of us has been impacted in a different way but we have all suffered together from this terrible virus. 

I am sure that we have all learned a lot and grew in many positive ways. 

By the grace of God, over the past few months, we have seen the number of cases in NJ decrease and the rate of transmission slow down. This is a great sign that we have been doing our part and that we are approaching the end of this pandemic. 
I am really happy to say that we can now begin to go mask optional in the church during all church services. This means that each individual can decide what is best for them and what makes them comfortable. Of course, if you would like to wear your mask, you can still wear it but there is no restriction on masks. If you have any concerns, please feel free to speak to me and we can work together to reach the appropriate comfort level.
As of Wednesday March 23 the mask requirement is being lifted. 
Please note (as always) that if you are experiencing any symptoms, please stay home. 
May the Lord reward you all for your patience and your cooperation during the past 2 years which I really appreciate. May God continue to protect His children and His church. 
God bless you and be safe in the Lord.