Visit of His Grace Bishop Gabriel on Sunday 8/7/22

Sunday August 7, 2022.God willing the Divine Liturgy will begin at 8 AM (all deacons must arrive by 8 AM) and God willing sayedna will be ordaining deacons Epsaltos (Chanter) and Anaghnostis (Reader). 

Please contact Abouna as soon as possible if you would like to be ordained or have your son ordained as a deacon.

For the Epsaltos, they must be at least 8 years old (with the exception of at least being 6 years of age but must be accompanied by his father who will serve and chaperone his son during the service).

The deadline for registering for the ordination will be Monday, 8/1/22 (all deacon applications must be sent out and approved prior to ordination – there will be no exceptions).

If you miss the deadline, you will have to wait until the next a bishop is visiting St. Anthony.

Sayedna will also be joining us in passing out the gifts for all the graduates after the Divine Liturgy.