Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Resurrection Services 2021

By the grace of God we were able to obtain approval to pray outdoors from Palm Sunday to Easter Liturgy.

No registration is required from Palm Sunday through to Good Friday as well as Easter Liturgy. 

The only service that will require registration during Holy Week is Bright Saturday as this service will be held indoors. Anyone interested in attending Bright Saturday must register to attend.

Bright Saturday registration will open at 5:00pm today. The Church Congregation will only hold 70 people. The Social Hall will only hold 30 people. 

The Signup Website has been updated to provide the times of the services but as states no registration is required from Palm Sunday to Good Friday and Resurrection Liturgy (You only need to register for Bright Saturday).

Everyone must wear their mask and keep the social distance (even if vaccinated). We encourage that all individuals of the family to sit together as they are in normal contact with one another. Please refrain from greeting anyone outside of your immediate family members.

The Church and the social hall will not be open during the outdoor services, but the rest rooms will be available for use.

If you are feeling sick or exhibit any COVID related symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive, please stay home.

The number of infections continues to rise in NJ and we must all do our part to reduce the risk of transition.

Be safe in the Lord and act responsibly.