The Coptic Church is one of the most ancient churches in the world. Saint Mark, the writer of the second Gospel, founded The Coptic Church in the name of Jesus Christ around 44 AD. Throughout the past two thousand years, the Coptic Church has contributed greatly to the Christian faith.

Is the author of the earliest Gospel to be written (it was written in Greek).
He was the founder of Christianity in Egypt or in Alexandria at least. He came to Alexandria approximately 48 AD. Foot Note: According to some sources, St. Peter preached in Babylon about the same time St. Mark was in Alexandria, however he focussed on the Jews of Babylon (A city near Memphis, Cairo now ). ST Mark was martyred in 68 AD when pagans of Serapis (the Serapion-Abbis Greek Egyptian god ) tied him to a horse’s tail and dragged him through the streets of Alexandria’s district of Bokalia for two days until his body was torn to pieces.
The Saint’s head is in a church named after him in Alexandria, and parts of his relics is in St. Mark’s Cairo’s Cathedral. The rest of his relics are in the San Marco Cathedral in Venice, Italy. Of his titles are : The Evangelist, the Apostle, the Witness and the Martyr.
The Church celebrates his martyrdom on the 8th of May each year.

Is considered the father of all monks and one ruler of Christian Monasticism. He was born at about the year 250 A.D. in a city in Upper Egypt called Kamen-El -Aroos, near Beniswef.
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His father died before he reached the age of twenty. He heard the deacon in the Church reading this verse of the Bible:” If thou wilt be perfect go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven” (Matt.19:21).
So, he distributed all his wealth among the poor and left to the desert starting his monastical life, to where it is today near the coast of the Red sea.
St. Anthony passed away in the year 356 A.D. after a life full of good deeds and valuable spiritual experience. We celebrate his departure on the 30th of January (22 Touba of the Coptic calendar) every year.
May his prayers be with us, and glory is to God forever, Amen.