Vespers and Divine Liturgy for week of 6/10/24

Join us on Monday night 6/10/24 for Vespers prayers at 7 pm for the anointing of the relics and the commemoration  of St. Abba Hor and the

Divine Liturgy will be on Tuesday 6/11/24 from 8-11 am

Thursday Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Ascension 8-11. 


Be safe in the Lord.

Faith, Truth and Life Convention

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

Ekhristos Anesti – Alithos Anesti

Christ is Risen – Truly He is Risen 

We have invited to attend the Faith, Truth and Life Convention. Please see attached flyer for registration information.

Some of the topics are:

– Church Councils.

– Oriental Orthodoxy

– The Holy Trinity

– The Christian Family

– Orthodox View on Reproductive Medicine, Divorce and Annulment

Be safe in the Lord.

His Grace Bishop Gabriel visit on Sunday 6/2/24

Thank God for His great care and providence in choosing Mr. Kirollos Makarious, as the priesthood nominee, for the service at St Anthony. He is well known to all and more specifically to our youth. He is a very humble and dedicated servant of the Lord. We are very proud, blessed and honored to have him as part of our service.

His Grace has instructed that we take these 2 weeks for prayer and as an opportunity for any comments or questions. God willing His Grace will bless us for the Divine Liturgy next Sunday 6/2/24.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or speak directly to His Grace Anba Gabriel next week after the Divine Liturgy on Sunday 6/2. 

May the Lord fulfill this ordination for us in peace.

Be safe in the Lord. 

Holy Week Readings

For those that would like to take the blessing of reading any of the Scriptures during the Holy Week services, please fill out your availability in the Google Survey at Holy Week Availability Survey

In order to schedule the readings in time, please submit the form as soon as possible (no later than Monday Night 4/29/24).

Requirements to Participate:

  1. Able to confidently read in either English or Arabic
  2. Able to use Coptic Reader from a device (phone, tablet, or iPad)