POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT WEEK 8/13/2020 AT 8 PM. What Parents & Servants need to know about preventing children’s sexual abuse

Medford NJ
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
It is heartbreaking to hear of these recent acts against minors and/or females in the church and in general. The church condemns all acts, whether physical, sexual or emotional, against any individual especially by individuals that are in authority or power.
Please click to read the statement that has been released by the Arch Diocese and the Diocese of NY/NE.
We are praying for all those who have been victimized and for the healing of all those have had to face any of these horrible and traumatizing situations.
We must all serve the Lord in way that is appropriate, acceptable, pure and holy. All of the servants of St. Anthony including myself vow to serve with all of these characteristics clear before us.
God have mercy upon us all.
Your Servant,Fr. John
The sign-up sheet is on a first come first serve basis.
We are happy to announce that we will begin the registration process for the Divine Liturgy. During these difficult times, the Church must act with an abundance of caution in order to keep everyone safe. For this reason, this form has been created, which allows you to learn about how to be compliance with the CDC guidelines as well as register to attend the Divine Liturgy.
The safety of the congregants must be at the forefront of what we do, and we ask for your patience and cooperation during these unprecedented times.
Before coming to church:
During the Liturgy:
Anyone who is not registered for the specific Liturgy and agreed to the terms and conditions will NOT be permitted to attend the service.
You will receive an email from the registration website TONIGHT with the registration link. Please view the following YouTube video (blue link below) which has instructions on “How to Register for the Divine Liturgy”. If you have any trouble registering please contact Fr. John Bishara.
Lord we are already in very trying and difficult times. This death (Mr. George Floyd) has really taken a toll, not only on his family, but on many of your children all across the country. Please, dear Lord, give rest to his soul, comfort to his family and loved ones, healing and peace across the world. Teach us how to love one another as You have loved is. Teach us who our neighbor is and how we should take every opportunity to shed Your light on them. Give us peace within us sho that we may have peace around us. Please forgive us and be patient with us.
Our hearts go out to the family of Mr. George Floyd who died in a way that no one should ever experience; begging for his life. In the world that we live in today and with all that is going around us with the COVID-19, this is not something that anyone should have to bear.
We are praying that God give rest to his soul, comfort to the family, healing and peace to the world. There are many ways for us to serve one another and we should use every opportunity to do it, BUT if I have not love, it profits me nothing. We must love one another as the Lord has loved us. He said by this they will know that you are My disciples.
May the Lord grant us all heavenly comfort and restore mankind to the pure state and the life that we were created for – living in Him, through Him and for Him.
Mr. George Floyd, we are praying for your rest in the Lord and for the comfort of your family. RIP Mr. George Floyd.
Your Servant,
Fr. John
Please use the Registration link on the top right corner to send us you’re registration and update us with all of your information.
If you have already filled out the form, you DO NOT need to do it again.