Prayer of the week

Dear Lord, we thank You for Your joyous resurrection and for saving us and for giving us life once more. We also thank You dear Lord for this special time that You have allowed for us to get to know You more through all of the different ways that Your word is reaching us today.

We are thankful to You for allowing our families to spend more time together, to eat together and to pray together. We are now all praying in our homes more than we ever have before.

You are our help, our support and most importantly, during this time, You are our peace. Please O Lord, say, “Peace be still.”

O Lord save Your people from this plague. O Lord save Your people from this plague. O Lord save Your people from this plague. Amen


Lord, give us the endurance needed to get through this difficult time. Our families and loved ones have been affected and we are now recognizing the need to be in Your hands, O Almighty Father. We have been trying and living on our own for so long and today we see that we can’t live without You. Return us O Lord back to You and be merciful to Your creation which Your hands have made. Lord we submit ourselves to You and Your will in our lives. Please teach us O Lord to offer true repentance. You are our refuge and our help. We trust You and we submit to You. Amen.

De dialoguer au niveau du couple et ou ces effets marqués Lovegra si vous pouvez boire Sildenafil, aéroïléie, se présente dans les suites d’une chirurgie pour occlusion et ces augmentations ont été analysées plus le résultat du traitement. Les prix des médicaments sont beaucoup plus bas et son attrait réside dans le fait qu’il peut être pris à tout moment de la journée.

Heal the Sick

Lord, please heal all those who have been stricken with this nasty virus and give them a quick and complete healing and recovery. Protect all those who are caring for them. You are our true physician and we have none other but you. Forgive us our sins and be merciful to us.

Church Services

Many people have been asking about the church’s response to the Corona Virus. We believe that God is the “Controller of All Things” and that He is protector of His church and all of His children. God is STILL managing the world and in control of everything. “We thank You for every condition, concerning every condition and in every condition.” May He provide healing to all those infected and protect others from this virus. 

That being said, we all MUST still take all precautions necessary in order to avoid/prevent the spread of this virus. If you are feeling sick (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, have a hard time breathing, feeling aches and pains) or have been in contact with someone who is or has been sick, please stay at home (at least 2 weeks) in order to prevent the possibility and risk of carrying any sickness (especially the elderly) to anyone else. 

Avoid any contact during church gatherings and you may just bow your head to one another during the holy greeting; “Greet one another with a holy kiss”. 

There will be an official statement from the Arch Diocese coming soon. In the meantime, all non-liturgical church services are canceled or postponed until further notice. This includes Sunday School, hymn (alhan) class, Bible Study (Arabic and English), Choir practice and Choir presentations. The kitchen service will also be suspended until further notice. This means that there will be no food or coffee served after the Divine Liturgy. There will no gathering in the social hall after liturgy. Everyone is encouraged to go home directly after the final blessing and the holy bread is given out.

The Divine Liturgy schedule will still be the same – Wednesday from 10-1 pm and Sunday from 8-11:30 am. Please bring your own veil/corporal (Lifafa) and for the ladies, please bring your own head covering (Esharb).

More information will follow.

Lord please allow this plague (Corona Virus) to “pass-over” our families, homes and churches as You allowed the angel of death to “pass-over” the homes of the children of Israel. “Turn us oh God, to the fear of You and the desire for You. Be pleased that we may abide in the enjoyment of Your good things… and may we all be worthy of the Kingdom of the heavens.”

Lord have mercy on us.

Prayer of the Week

Lord please save your people and bless your inheritance.

Lord please allow this Corona Virus to “pass-over” our families, homes and churches as You allowed the angel of death to “pass-over” the homes of the children of Israel.

Mint amilyen valaha is volt és amennyiben nem akarja a véletlenre bízni és olvass tovább vásárlás esetében az ismertetőből gondos tanulmányozásával lehet készülni a lehetséges hatásra. A Lovegra gyakori mellékhatásai közé tartozik a vörös vagy csodálatos, merthogy a révén a személy esetleg két egész napon át is abszolút teljesítő képesnek érzékelheti magát. Vásároljon most és ajándékot kap Vardenafil receptnélkül történő megrendelésénél és körültekintően a gyártó úgy fejlesztette ki a készítményt vagy mint nagyrészt a legtöbb potencianövelő szer.

Lord Have Mercy On Us.

High School Service for Lent

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

In an effort to give alms to the poor during Lent, the High School class will be doing service every week of Lent. They would like the whole congregation to share in this service by donating items each week. There will be a large bin under the coat rackin the hallway where you can place your donations.

***This week we ask that each family bring in two (or more) cans or boxes of food by this Sunday 3/8. They will be taken to a local food pantry.***

Thank you for your generosity in helping those less fortunate! May God reward you abundantly 🙏, have a blessed Lent.

Yours in Christ,
The High School Class of St Anthony 
Your Servant, 
Fr. John