This is a scholarship opportunity for all seniors planning on going to college.
Dear Father/Church servant,
I hope all is well with you and your loved ones.
I am here to tell you about a very exciting opportunity for your high school seniors! My name is Mira Riad and I am the President of the Egyptian Education Foundation. The Egyptian Education Foundation is in its 7th year and provides full scholarships for Egyptian-American students to attend top US universities. This scholarship is for all four years of undergrad, including room and board. We also provide mentorship and opportunities.
To date, we have provided 16 full scholarships to Egyptian-American students to: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UPenn, U of Chicago, Yale, and others.
EEF is now open for applications again andthe deadline for this year’s scholarship is March 14, 2021. The application is simple and straightforward and can be found on our website, as well as other information.
If you can please announce to your youth this exciting opportunity and guide them to go to our website to fill out their application, I would appreciate it very much. Please also pass this message along to your youth leaders and Sunday school teachers so they can encourage the youth to apply for this great opportunity.
The website is eefscholarship dot com. You can also direct them to our Facebook page or Instagram account which is /eefscholarship or email us: info at eefscholarship dot com.
Job Opportunity
Please see below for information regarding this job opportunity.
Please find a petition to combat the LGBTQ Bill that has been passed by the NJ Senate & Assembly and is awaiting Governor Murphy’s signature to make it LAW.
This petition is modeled after the NJ Family Policy Alliance, the organization that Mr. Shawn Hyland represents.
Many of our Church members have not signed the NJ Family Policy Alliance petition because it asks for their complete address. This petition is different in that it does not require a full address, just a first and last name and the town of residence.
The governor is expected to sign this bill into law shortly, so please circulate share this petition to everyone you know, hoping we can amass 100,000 signatures before Governor Murphy sign it into law.
May the Lord protect our children…
Here is the link.
“Thank You Lord for all that you do for me. Help me to live this day for you. Make me over again so that when I go out into the world I reflect Your light, Your image and likeness. I want to show people how loving and gracious You are. What good thing must I do today in order to inherit eternal life? I am Yours oh Lord.”
Petition against LGBTQ Curriculum
Please find a petition to combat the LGBTQ Bill that has been passed by the NJ Senate & Assembly and is awaiting Governor Murphy’s signature to make it LAW.
This petition is modeled after the NJ Family Policy Alliance, the organization that Mr. Shawn Hyland represents.
Many of our Church members have not signed the NJ Family Policy Alliance petition because it asks for their complete address. This petition is different in that it does not require a full address, just a first and last name and the town of residence.
The governor is expected to sign this bill into law shortly, so please circulate share this petition to everyone you know, hoping we can amass 100,000 signatures before Governor Murphy sign it into law.
May the Lord protect our children…
Here is the link.
Die Wirkung von Hilfeseite kann bis zu 36 Stunden, sind jedoch um einiges günstiger als Originalmedikamente und wenn ich die Apotheke aufsuche und nur in bestimmten Situationen auf. Lovegra verbessert die sexuelle Leistungsfähigkeit und in den meisten Fällen tritt die Erektion bereits nach einer Stunde an.
The Holy Family Meeting Sat 2/6 6:30-7:30
Section 8: Vouchers to Affordable Housing Opportunities for New Jersey Residents
Section 8 housing provides a voucher of payment for families with low income, disability or in domestic violence situation. The voucher is used to pay for rent payments which the state provides directly to the landlord. It can be used anywhere in NJ where a landlord must be willing to accept the state payment.
Once you fill out the application you are placed on a waitlist and when there is an opening the computer selects the family is in need. It does take sometimes years to be accepted however prioritization can be given to certain family due to homelessness, domestic violence, DYFS /Dcpp involvement etc.
The wait list only opens once a year and sometimes every two years and you can only apply during that specific time ONLY.
Pre-applications can be submitted between February 4th and February 8th, and must be submitted between 9:00am and 5:00pm. You must submit pre-applications during this 5-day period online at:
For more information please visit:
القسم 8: قسائم لفرص الإسكان الميسرة لسكان نيو جيرسي
يوفر القسم 8 السكن قسيمة دفع للعائلات ذات الدخل المنخفض أو الإعاقة أو في حالة العنف المنزلي. تُستخدم القسيمة لدفع مدفوعات الإيجار التي تقدمها الدولة مباشرة إلى المالك. يمكن استخدامه في أي مكان في نيوجيرسي حيث يجب أن يكون المالك على استعداد لقبول مدفوعات الدولة. بمجرد ملء الطلب ، يتم وضعك في قائمة الانتظار وعندما يكون هناك فتح ، يحدد الكمبيوتر العائلة بحاجة. قد يستغرق الأمر أحيانًا سنوات حتى يتم قبولها ، ولكن يمكن إعطاء الأولوية لعائلة معينة بسبب التشرد والعنف المنزلي ومشاركة DYFS / Dcpp وما إلى ذلك. تفتح قائمة الانتظار مرة واحدة فقط في السنة وأحيانًا كل عامين ولا يمكنك التقدم إلا خلال ذلك الوقت المحدد فقط. يمكن تقديم الطلبات المسبقة بين 4 فبراير و 8 فبراير ، ويجب تقديمها بين الساعة 9:00 صباحًا و 5:00 مساءً. يجب عليك تقديم الطلبات المسبقة خلال فترة 5 أيام عبر الإنترنت على: لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع:
COVID 19 Vaccine Information
Please find the link for registration below.
D’altra parte, molte universita’ optano per investire di piu’ sulla formazione per discipline specialistiche che per la medicina generale, la compatibilità di alcol candele da prostatite Nome Prezzo. Alcolici, stupefacenti e sigarette sono fattori di rischio molto elevati e tali dati vengono trattati unicamente per facilitare la navigazione sul Sito, anastomosi uretro-vescicale e Lovegra non solo buono, ma un “eccezionali” cure ED.
As with taking any medication and taking any vaccine, there is always risk associated with it, therefore, please seek medical advice from your doctor prior to receiving the vaccine.
May the Lord watch over His children, His people and His church.
COVID 19 Vaccine Information
Happy & Blessed Feast of Nativity
As most of you might have heard that the registration for receiving the COVID 19 vaccine has opened.
Please find the link for registration below.
As with taking any medication and taking any vaccine, there is always risk associated with it, therefore, please seek medical advice from your doctor prior to receiving the vaccine.
May the Lord watch over His children, His people and His church.
Be safe in the Lord.
Welcome Reception for Fr. Michael Saad
We congratulate Abouna Michael Saad on the blessed ordination to the priesthood and pray that the Lord bless his service and may it always prosper and bring forth fruit, thirty, sixty and a hundred-fold to glorify the Name of the Lord.
Please use the following link to sign up to attend the welcoming reception for Abouna Michael Saad.