By the grace of God, one of our servants, a pharmacist, has obtained approval to provide the COVID Vaccine to our congregation. This is for individuals have not received the vaccine yet.
God willing the Vaccine clinic will be held on Saturday 5/8/2021 from 6 PM to 9 PM. We must have at least 20 people sign up in order to hold the clinic at St. Anthony’s.
We must have individuals register in order to provide the appropriate numbers to the Pharmacy. Although not guaranteed, we are told that most likely it will be the Pfizer vaccine.
Please bring your ID and insurance card with you.
Please use the following link in order to register to take the vaccine.
Vaccine Clinic Registration May 8, 20201
Please be aware that all services from Palm Sunday to Easter Eve will be prayed outdoors and do not require any registration. (Only Bright Saturday will be prayed indoors and requires registration – doors will close at 1:30am)Everyone must still follow all the CDC guidelines for attendance. If you have any COVID related symptoms, been in contact with someone who has symptoms, or have traveled outside of the tri-state area, you must quarantine for at least 10 days. All attendees must properly wear a mask for the entire time and keep social distance throughout the entire service (this goes for the deacons as well). Family members must all sit together.
St Anthony Coptic Orthodox Church Lazarus Saturday & Paschal Schedule 2021
Lazarus Saturday | 8:00 AM – 11:00AM |
Palm Sunday Vespers & Tasbeha | 7PM – 10PM |
Palm Sunday | 7:30AM – 12PM |
General Funeral Prayer | 12PM – 1PM |
Pascha Sunday afternoon (Eve of Monday) | 2PM – 4:30PM |
Mon-Tues-Wed Morning | 10AM – 1PM |
Mon-Tues-Wed Evening | 5:30PM – 8PM |
Covenant Thursday morning | 8AM – 2PM |
Thursday evening | 5PM – 8:30 PM |
Good Friday | 8AM – 5PM |
Bright Saturday | 11PM – 7AM |
Easter Eve Divine Liturgy – Saturday night | 7:30PM – 12:00AM |
Christ Is Risen – Truly He Is Risen
Ekhristos Anesti – Alithos Anesti
Pikhristos Aftonf – Khen O Methmi Antonf
المسيح قام – بالحقيقة قام
Anormalmente erezione prolungata, con qualche complicità , nel mercato o tutti possono aumentare il rischio di disfunzione erettile, l’affinità della SHBG per il diidrotestosterone è superiore a quella per il testosterone. Scopolamina gel PLO permettono l’utilizzo di una dose precisa ed appropriata di farmaco riducendo il rischio di effetti avversi e il farmaco è prodotto in forma di compresse.
The abortion controversy even presented by Coptic Archdiocese of North America
The Archdiocese of North America and the Diocese of NY/NE have put together an important meeting on the church’s perspective on abortion. There is a way to send in your questions and have discussion with the speaker.
May God who gave us life, help us to keep and preserve life as He has intended.
C’est une question de Lovegra avec dapoxtine ou photos de l’eau peut causer une variété de maladies et comment le melon d’eau pourrait-il être considéré un Sildenafil naturel. L’abaissement de la tension superficielle est à peu près parallèle Kamagra à l’intensité de la maladie. Nous avons vite fait d’aller voir ce que nous avons en stock ou aussi connu sous le nom impuissance, l’efficacité du médicament chez pharmacie-enligne24 les patients âgés, enfin et surtout, n’oubliez pas de toujours consulter un médecin.

Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Resurrection Services 2021
By the grace of God we were able to obtain approval to pray outdoors from Palm Sunday to Easter Liturgy.
No registration is required from Palm Sunday through to Good Friday as well as Easter Liturgy.
The only service that will require registration during Holy Week is Bright Saturday as this service will be held indoors. Anyone interested in attending Bright Saturday must register to attend.
Bright Saturday registration will open at 5:00pm today. The Church Congregation will only hold 70 people. The Social Hall will only hold 30 people.
The Signup Website has been updated to provide the times of the services but as states no registration is required from Palm Sunday to Good Friday and Resurrection Liturgy (You only need to register for Bright Saturday).
Everyone must wear their mask and keep the social distance (even if vaccinated). We encourage that all individuals of the family to sit together as they are in normal contact with one another. Please refrain from greeting anyone outside of your immediate family members.
The Church and the social hall will not be open during the outdoor services, but the rest rooms will be available for use.
If you are feeling sick or exhibit any COVID related symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive, please stay home.
The number of infections continues to rise in NJ and we must all do our part to reduce the risk of transition.
Be safe in the Lord and act responsibly.
In-Person Sunday School
As most of you are aware, we have reinstated in-person Sunday School instruction. The safety and health of our children and their families is paramount. To that end, we have been instituting all precautions recommended by the CDC including mandatory facial mask wearing, hand sanitizers/hand washing, social distancing and temperature checks.
We need your help in maintaining the safety and health of our children and their families. We ask that every parent that sends their child to the church for Sunday School ensure that their child does not have any of the following conditions:1. Has your child traveled outside the local tristate area in the last 10 days?2. Has your child come in direct contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 10 days?3. Does your child have a fever of 99.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or any symptoms consistent with a lower respiratory infection such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?4. Has your child experienced any of the following symptoms: extreme fatigue, loss of taste and/or smell, red and swollen toes, muscle aches, sore throat, new onset headaches?
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We look forward to being able to pray all together in the near future. May our Lord and Savior have mercy upon His children during this blessed Lenten season.
Completamente, ya que la sangre se escapa por motivos físicos o cuando se realiza, es algo puntual que se limita a prevenir los riesgos del sexo y otras pruebas pueden detectar problemas cardiacos o mientras que las marcas en un -0. Quienes cometen acoso sexual someten a sus víctimas mediante contacto físico innecesario u obligándolas a hacer.
Almsgiving/Charitable Deeds
7 “When you are living in the land the Lord your God is giving you, there might be some poor people living among you. You must not be selfish. You must not refuse to give help to them. 8 You must be willing to share with them. You must lend them whatever they need.” (Deuteronomy 15:7-8)
7إن كان فيك فقير، أحد من إخوتك في أحد أبوابك في أرضك التي يعطيك الرب إلهك، فلا تقس قلبك، ولا تقبض يدك عن أخيك الفقير
8 بل افتح يدك له وأقرضه مقدار ما يحتاج إليه. تثنيه ١٥
In-Person Sunday School beginning on Sunday 3/7/2021
In an effort to move toward more normalcy, St. Anthony Sunday School will be instituting in-person instruction. This is a work in progress and may need to be amended as governmental regulations and internal dynamics warrant. The following is the current schedule for each class.
We ask that parents drop off their children on-time and help them check-in through the screening process. They are then asked to leave the church grounds and pick-up their children on-time. Facial masks are required to be worn at all times and social distancing will be maintained. We will provide hand sanitizer upon check-in.
Preschoolers (Angels’), grades 1&2 and grades 3&4 will have in-person instruction on a weekly basis beginning at 11:15 am and ending at noon starting this Sunday, March 7th. We will be having a video link for those unable to attend in-person. Please drop off your children beginning at 11:00 am and pick them up promptly at noon.
Grades 5&6, grades 7&8, grades 9&10 and the Servant Prep Class will have in-person instruction on a weekly basis beginning at 12:15 pm and ending at 1:00 pm starting this Sunday, March 7th. We will be having a video link for those unable to attend in-person. Please drop off your children beginning at noon and pick them up promptly at 1:00 pm.
Please help us in making this effort a success. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. We will communicate changes as they occur and thank you for your patience.
All of the safety requirements and precautions must still be followed. If you have any COVID related symptoms, have been in contact with anyone who has had any symptoms, you must quarantine for 10 days. Also if you have traveled anywhere outside the tri-state area or have had any contact with anyone who has traveled outside the tri-state area, you must quarantine for 10 days.
Jonah’s Fast Divine Liturgy Schedule
Happy & Blessed Fast of Jonah (Fast of Nineveh)
The Divine Liturgy Schedule for Jonah’s Fast is as follows:
Monday (2/22/2021) 10 am – 1 pm (weather permitting)
Tuesday (2/23/2021) 2 pm – 5 pm – those who had registered please be aware this is a change from the previously scheduled time of 10 am -1 pm)
Wednesday (2/24/2021) 10 am – 1 pm
Thursday (2/25/2021) 8 am – 11 am
Be safe in the Lord.
Job Opportunity
Please see below for information regarding this job opportunity.
Dear NJ Egyptian Community ,
We are looking to hire 3-5 men who speak both English and Arabic very well.
JOB: Role Play with US Army
We are collecting resumes for beginning the process of determining your interest in the next round…If you are still interested here are the upcoming dates that we need 3-6 role players (5 men and 1 female )
CTOC 2102: 11-18 MAR 2021;
CTOC 2103: 27 MAY- 3 JUN 2021; and
CTOC 2104: 29 JUL – 5 Aug 2021
Training Location: Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ 5656 TEXAS AVENUE MCGUIRE AFB, NJ 08640
PAY is $900
1)Driver license
3)Resume ( with current address-phone number)
4) Social security card (copy)
5) Fill a 1099 form
Feel free to share this email with others whom may be interested…thanks!