Happy and blessed Lenten season
As we try to teach our children to navigate in this ever-changing world, and support and encourage them to make the right choices, it is becoming clearer that we must, at times, have some difficult conversations. These conversations might not be something that we are comfortable with and maybe at times, not trained in handling. Given that we grew up in a different time and the pressures that we faced were different, we might find ourselves struggling to talk about the things that are happening around us. The fact of the matter is, if we don’t discuss them and explain these things to them, someone else will. Of course, we always want to make sure that we are teaching them the most appropriate behavior for each circumstance, but there are times when we might feel they are too young and maybe not aware or not thinking or noticing certain things. We have to know when the right time is and what is appropriate to say and what it is the most appropriate and suitable behavior.
Please join us on Sunday March 19, 2023 at St. Anthony, after the Divine Liturgy in a parents’ meeting with Dr. Christine Agaibi on how to handle these types of conversations.
Please bring your questions and share with others.
Happy Holy Great Fast
During The lent Wednesday liturgy will be on Wednesdays from 10 am – 1 pm.
Alhan is canceled for tonight (Friday 2/17/23)
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
Alhan class is canceled for tonight – Friday 2/17/23.
All other services will be held as scheduled.
Please share with others.
Job Opportunities available at Seahawk Services
There are job opportunities Seahawk Services, 1501 Grandview Ave, West Deptford NJ 08066, if you are available and interested, below is the contact information.
Call George at 609-458-0427.
Jonah’s Fast Service Schedule
Happy and blessed Jonah’s fast
Below is the service schedule for Jonah’s fast:
Wednesday (2/8/23) Divine Liturgy 10 am – 1 pm
Thursday (Feast of Jonah 2/9/23) Divine Liturgy 8 am – 11 am
Vespers and Feast of St. Anthony
God willing, we will be celebrating the feast of our beloved saint and the intercessor of our church, St. Anthony on Monday 1/30/23.
Vespers: Sunday 1/29/23 7 pm – 8 pm
Divine Liturgy: Monday 1/30/23 8 am – 11 am
May the prayers of St. Anthony be with us all.
NOTE: There will be no diving liturgy on Wednesday.
Section 8 Program Application
The Section 8 program (helps those with limited income with their rent) has just opened up. Please follow the link below to see if you qualify and follow the instructions to apply.
Be safe in the Lord.
Divine Liturgy will be on Thursday this week
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen
The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
God willing, the Divine Liturgy will be on Thursday this week.NOTE: There will be no liturgy on Wednesday this week.
Spiritual Day for Family of Simon the Elder (Senior Citizens) this Thursday 12/15/2022
Join us for a Spiritual Day for the family of Simon the Elder (Senior Citizens) on Thursday 12/15/22 starting with the Divine Liturgy at 8 AM.God willing, we will be blessed with Fr. Ishak Mansour from Archangel Michael Coptic Church in Howell.NOTE: There will be no liturgy on Wednesday this week.
Picture and Cookies with St. Nicholas on Saturday 12/17 at 4 PM
Please join us as we host our first “Picture and Cookies with St. Nicholas”
When: Saturday 12/17 @ 4:00 pm- 6:00pm
Where: St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Church
Families are welcomed to come take their professional Christmas picture with St. Nick. There will be craft, cookie decorating and hot Cocoa following the photo session.
Hope all can come and enjoy a fun night followed by vespers and Kiahk Praises at 6:00 pm. Please save the date. Please click on the link in the flyer to confirm your slot.