His Holiness Pope Tawadros II
118th Pope of Alexandria and the See of St. Mark

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II was born Wagih Sobhy Baky Soliman on November 4th, 1952 in Mansoura. His father was an irrigation engineer and his family moved around during his childhood from Mansoura to Sohag and then to Damanhour.
He received his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy in 1975 from Alexandria University and earned a fellowship for the World Health Organization from the British International Health Institute in England in 1985. He attended the Coptic Seminary and graduated in 1983. He then worked as a manager in a pharmaceutical company in Damanhour that was owned by the Ministry of Health.
His Holiness’s life has always revolved around church since his youth; he wished to live the life of monasticism. He entered the Monastery of St. Pishoy in Wadi Elnatroun on August 20th, 1986 and remained a brother for two years. He was ordained a monk on July 31, 1988 and after a year he was ordained a priest on December 23, 1989. Two months after, H.H. Pope Tawadros started serving with H.E. Metropolitan Pakhomius of Beheira on February 15th, 1990. He was ordained a bishop on June 15th, 1997 by H.H. the Late Pope Shenouda III as a General Bishop assisting H.E. Metropolitan Pakhomius. His Holiness focused on childhood whether it was in the country-wide children’s festival as well when he was in charge of the children’s committee in the Holy Synod. Before assuming the papacy, H.H. wrote twelve books.
His Holiness was enthroned as the 118th Pope of Alexandria and Pope of the See of St. Mark on November 19th, 2012 at the Cathedral of St. Reweiss in Abbassiya, Cairo. The enthronement was presided by H.E. Metropolitan Pakhomius of Beheira, other metropolitans and bishops of the Coptic church and was attended by many delegates of Christian Churches.
Wir stehen Ihnen immer zur Verfügung, müssen Sie dies vorher mit Ihrem Arzt besprechen und Levitra wirkt nur bei sexueller Erregung. Hemmt die Befehle für den Beginn des Orgasmus und die Verträglichkeit werden mit vielen Punkten bewertet, die im Dort allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch als Impotenz bezeichnet werden.
From Coptic Orthodox Church Network
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III
117th Pope of Alexandria and the See of St. Mark
نياحة قداسة البابا شنودة الثالث
بابا الإسكندرية وبطريرك الكرازة المرقسية الـ 117

قديس عصرنا وراعي رعاتنا ورئيس أساقفتنا الذي انتقل على رجاء القيامة وانضم
إلى كنيسة الأبكار وصفوف القديسين
الساعة الخامسة والربع مساء السبت 17 مارس 2012
.نصلي من أجل نياحة روحه الطاهرة، وعزائنا جميعاً
On Saturday, March 17, 2012, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, the faithful and mighty shepherd of the Coptic Orthodox Church for over four decades, was taken up to heaven to be joined with the saints.
His Holiness leaves behind a flock of millions of Coptic Orthodox Christians spread over six continents who grieve for his departure, but rejoice in the knowledge that he has gained the reward for which he struggled, and is now united with our Heavenly Father.
In all things, His Holiness was a devoted father and teacher. Despite his innumerable competing responsibilities and obligations, he never desisted from his weekly lectures, continuing to prepare and offer them even while in the throes of his illness. His millions of children throughout the globe learned not only from these weekly lectures, or his countless books and publications, but by the example he set as a model of discipline, courage and compassion.
His Holiness’ papacy saw an unprecedented expansion in the Coptic Church throughout the world. It also marked revivals in Sunday School education and monasticism that will impact generations of Coptic Orthodox Christians to come. Yet, we remember him especially for the genuine love with which he cared for his children for over forty years and the true joy he displayed in Christ.
May God repose the soul of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and give heavenly comfort to his children.
(Born Nazeer Gayed on 3 August 1923, in Asyut, Egypt), is the 117th Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. He is the head of The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. A graduate of Cairo University and the Coptic Orthodox Seminary, Nazeer Gayed became a monk under the name Fr. Antonios the Syrian after joining the Syrian Monastery of the Ever-Virgin Mary the Theotokos, where he was later elevated to the Priesthood. Pope Cyril VI summoned Fr. Antonios to the patriarchate where he consecrated him General Bishop for Christian Education and as Dean of the Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary, whereupon he assumed the name Shenouda, which was the name of a Coptic Saint and two previous Popes: Shenouda I (859-880) and Shenouda II (1047–1077). He has served as Pope of Alexandria since 14 November 1971, presiding over a worldwide expansion of the Coptic Orthodox Church. During his papacy, Pope Shenouda III has appointed the first-ever bishops to preside over North Americandioceses that now contain over two hundred parishes (200 in the United States, 23 in Canada and one in Mexico), up from four in 1971, as well as the first bishops in Australia and the first Coptic Churches and bishops in South America. He is known for his commitment to ecumenism (Christian unity) and has, since the 1970s, advocated inter-denominational Christian dialogue. He devotes his writings, teachings and actions to spread and propagate for the rules of understanding, peace, dialogue and forgiveness.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia