New Year’s Eve Schedule

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
God willing, New Year’s Celebration and Midnight Liturgy will be celebrated on Sunday December 31st from 8 pm to 2:30 am January 1st
The program will begin with Vespers and Kiahk praises followed by choirs, videos, new years resolutions, sermon, songs, praises, and concluded with a celebration of the Holy Liturgy from 12:05 to 2:30 am. 
We look forward to having everyone join together to thank our Lord and Savior for 2023 and ask for His blessing and guidance 
in 2024. 

NOTE: Abstinence for communion will begin 5 pm.

Be safe in the Lord.


The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

To All Our St. Anthony Families,

We pray that in this time of hope and giving of the Advent season we can open our hearts to those children who are suffering with illness and injuries.   We ask that with a happy and humble heart you consider contributing a Christmas gift to a hospitalized child.  We also wanted to make you aware of the NEW CHOP POLICY for gift donations. CHOP will not be accepting any drop off gifts this time of year. In Lieu of this we are encouraged to send monetary donations towards purchasing gifts or purchase a gift via the attached link.  The Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital in Marlton, NJ also encourages toy donations Wish List through their link. Although, Weisman will still be accepting physical drop off donations. These gifts should be NEW!!!! Attached you will find the links of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and The Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital Wish Lists.  Please note the most neglected age groups are the infants and adolescents.  There will be ONE box labeled with Weisman Children’s Hospital by the inside entrance of the church.  The last day for physical donation drop offs will be Saturday, Dec 23rd.These small acts of kindness are so desperately needed in this world and serve as a great reminder of God’s infinite love and generosity.  This serves as a wonderful opportunity to share Jesus’s love with our community. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:7)

CHOP Child Life Wish List

Weisman Children’s Rehab Hospital Wish List

Be safe in the Lord.

Care Package Service

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

Our church will be creating C. A. R. E. packages for those experiencing homelessness, where “CARE” stands for Christ Always Receives Everyone. The packages will be filled with 20+ essential personal hygiene items. From socks, hats, and gloves for the winter, to basic hygiene products like toothbrushes, toothpaste, body wash, hand sanitizer, face masks, and deodorant. 

If you’d like to take the blessing of contributing items or funds to support this service, please see the attached flyer for different ways to help. 

We want to teach the youth by example that they can serve at any age, so we have assigned an item to each Sunday School Class to bring in. Please check with your Sunday School Servants for their assigned class item. Parents, please take the youth shopping and have them play an active role in partaking of the blessing of the service and explain to them the importance of serving and giving to the poor. 

Please continue to pray for the service. ✝️

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:40‬ ‭

Be safe in the Lord.

A Season and Time of Giving

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

To All Our St. Anthony Families,

We pray that in this time of hope and giving of the Advent season we can open our hearts to those children who are suffering with illness and injuries.   We ask that with a happy and humble heart you consider contributing a Christmas gift to a hospitalized child.  We also wanted to make you aware of the NEW CHOP POLICY for gift donations. CHOP will not be accepting any drop off gifts this time of year. In Lieu of this we are encouraged to send monetary donations towards purchasing gifts or purchase a gift via the attached link.  The Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital in Marlton, NJ also encourages toy donations Wish List through their link. Although, Weisman will still be accepting physical drop off donations. These gifts should be NEW!!!! Attached you will find the links of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and The Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital Wish Lists.  Please note the most neglected age groups are the infants and adolescents.  There will be ONE box labeled with Weisman Children’s Hospital by the inside entrance of the church.  The last day for physical donation drop offs will be Saturday, Dec 23rd.These small acts of kindness are so desperately needed in this world and serve as a great reminder of God’s infinite love and generosity.  This serves as a wonderful opportunity to share Jesus’s love with our community. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:7)

CHOP Child Life Wish List

Weisman Children’s Rehab Hospital Wish List

Be safe in the Lord.

4th year memorial for Mr. Ossama Yanni

The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

The memory of the righteous is blessed.” (‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭7)

Join us on Sunday 12/17 for the Divine Liturgy as we celebrate the 4th year memorial for Mr. Ossama Yanni

Be safe in the Lord.

Egyptian Presidential Elections

The consulate in New York is now open for the Egyptian Presidential elections (12/1-12/3).

We encourage everyone who has any of the below to go to vote.

Egyptian citizens are eligible to vote at the Consulate General of Egypt in Manhattan, New York on December 1 – 3, with a:

  • 1. Valid Egyptian passport
  • 2. Valid Egyptian national ID
  • 3. Expired Egyptian national ID
  • An expired Egyptian national ID will be accepted for voting purposes, but not an expired Egyptian passport.

We have been asked by the secretariat of His Holiness Pope Tawadros to send any photos or videos that show our sharing and participation in the voting.  

Please forward any photos or videos directly to my at

Be safe in the Lord.

40th day memorial for Mr. Sabet Hanna on Saturday 12/9

Join us for the Divine Liturgy on Saturday 12/9 from 8-11 as we celebrate the 40th day memorial for Mr. Sabet Hanna. 

He is the husband of Mrs. Angele Hanna, Father of Mrs. Hayam Isshak and her husband Mr. Samuel Isshak, Dr. Gamil Hanna and his wife Mrs. Anne Marie Hanna, Mr. Efraiem Hanna, and Eng. Nazeeh Hanna and his wife Eng. Nancy Hanna. 

Grandfather of David, Kristina, Marlena, Lydia, Mary, Tanso, Tarkan, and Thomas.

The family invites everyone for and Aghapy meal afterwards. 

May the Lord repose his soul and give comfort to the family. 

Be safe in the Lord.