The peace and love of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
T o All Our St. Anthony Families,
We pray that in this time of hope and giving of the Advent season we can open our
hearts to those children who are suffering with illness and injuries. We ask that with a
happy and humble heart you consider contributing a Christmas gift to a hospitalized
child. We also wanted to make you aware of the NEW CHOP POLICY for gift
donations. CHOP will not be accepting any drop off gifts this time of year. In Lieu
of this we are encouraged to send monetary donations towards purchasing gifts
or purchase a gift via the attached link. The Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation
Hospital in Marlton, NJ also encourages the financial donations to be through
their link which you will also find attached all year round. Although, Weisman
will still be accepting physical drop off donations. These gifts should be NEW!!!!
This year we will also be donating to the Ronald McDonald House of Camden.
They provide housing for travelling and local families who have a loved one in
the Camden Hospitals free of charge. We will be donating small NEW amenities and
pantry staples
to help the families in this difficult time. You will find the Wish List attached.(It is NOT a link – see list below)
Attached you will find the links of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and The Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital Wish Lists. Please note the most neglected age groups are the infants and adolescents. There will be one box labeled with Weisman Children’s Hospital and another labeled Ronald McDonald House by the inside entrance of the church. The last day for physical donation drop offs will be Sunday, Dec 22nd. These small acts of kindness are so desperately needed in this world and serve as a great reminder of
God’s infinite love and generosity. This serves as a wonderful opportunity to share
Jesus’s love with our community.
“So let each one give as he purposes in his
heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God
loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:7)
Weisman Children’s Rehab Hospital Wishlist
CHOP Child Life Wish List
Ronald McDonald House list below:
New, Unopened Items Only
Reusable Tumbler Cups
Reusable Travel Mugs/Cups
Toothpaste (Any Size)
Mouth Wash (Travel-Size)
Hand Sanitizer (Travel-Size)
Pocket Packs of Facial Tissues
Neutral-Flavored Lip Balm/Chapstick
Gender-Neutral Deodorant
Coloring Books (All Ages)
Markers and Colored Pencils
Toilet Paper (Individually-Wrapped)
Queen-Sized Bedding (White)
Diapers (All Sizes)
Pack’n’Play Stroller
Car Seat (All Ages)
New, Unopened Items Only
Ground Coffee
Coffee Creamer
Granola Bars
Dried Fruit
Pre-Packaged Snacks
Sandwich Supplies
Ready-Made Meals
Cake Mix
Corn Meal
Cooking Oil
Ziploc-Style Bags (All Sizes)
Aluminum Foil
Disposable Containers
Be safe in the Lord.
St. Anthony’s Sunday School Servants