Happy & Blessed Feast of Circumcision
The Divine Liturgy for the Feast will be on Friday 1/14/2022 from 6 AM – 8 AM. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE (6-8 AM).
Please share this information with others.
Be safe in the Lord.
Feast of Nativity Divine Liturgy 1/6/2022 from 7 – 9:30 pm
Happy and Blessed Feast of Nativity
God willing the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Nativity will be from
7 pm – 9:30 pm (abstain from food at 1 pm).
Please share this with others.
Be safe in the Lord.
Feast of Nativity, Liturgies and Sunday School Services
Happy & Blessed Feast of Nativity
Based on our last clergy meeting (1/4/2022) and the guidance from His Grace Anba David, here are the following changes:1. Everyone must wear a surgical mask (cloth masks are not sufficient) upon entry into the church (this includes the social hall and Sunday School classes)2. Sunday School may resume in-person, and everyone must wear their masks at all times.3. Names of individuals must be obtained upon entry in the church (and Sunday School). There will be a form that you must fill out prior to entering any church service in order for us to know who needs to be contacted, God forbid, there is someone who tests positive.4. There are to be no gatherings of any kind and the celebrations for the feasts are to be canceled.5. Social distancing is highly recommended (distance yourself and your family from others as much as possible since this Omicron variant is highly contagious).
His Grace Anba David and the clergy also recommend wearing double masks when you enter any in-door gathering.
As always, if anyone feels sick or has any symptoms or any family member has any symptoms (even if you think it is a cold) please stay home. Also, if anyone comes in contact with anyone who is sick, please get tested and ensure you have your “negative” result before attending any church service.
God willing, Sunday School, all youth/grad/fellowship meetings, Alhan and Bible Studies will resume starting on Sunday 1/16/2022.
NOTES: For deacons: since there isn’t enough space for all the deacons to stand in the front, it is fine to vest and stand next to your family. Also, as you proceed to take communion, when you remove your mask, refrain from singing.
Thank you for your cooperation and help during these difficult times. I am sure that God is protecting His children and the He will see us through this. “We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.” (Psalm 66:12)I am looking forward to celebrating with you all. God willing this year will be full of all of God’s blessings. May the blessing of His birth touch every heart, heal every wound, comfort any mourning and bring peace, love and joy to all our hearts.